Much faster than I initially thought when writing the original article and providing the corresponding sample CAD files, my mk3b2 radial fin horn was already built using my sample CAD files intended to use for a high-end 2-way speaker project. Of course, I feel honored when someone trusts that the theoretical investigations will prove useful in practice and invests a lot of time and financial investment in such a project. The genesis of the entire speaker project has already been documented and discussed here:
I was thankfully given permission by the owner of the new speaker system to use his own photos to write an article about the build of the speaker. But I’m essentially limiting my focus to the phase of building the mk3b2 fin horn. I would like to take the interested reader on a little mk3b2 picture journey.
What a beautiful and awesome speaker system! I would like to congratulate the designers and builders on this great speaker project.
A personal comment from my side about the mk3b2 fin horn based on the previous simulations and the initial sound descriptions. I am convinced that from now on the quite well known fin horns like TH4001 and Yuichi are obsolete. They neither load sufficiently being way too short to be able to load down to their designated cut-off values nor they cannot completely avoid waist banding and especially finger printing at HF. In my opinion the mk3b2 radial fin horn is the new reference.